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Oxford Architectural Design & Consulting
(EA)2 User's Guide
Reference Data
There are number of things that will not be available if you have created your model without using the EA2 BaseModel. You can load this reference data following the steps below.
Importing Reference Data

Select Tools | Import Reference Data… from the Enterprise Architect main menu. Click Select File and browse to the My Documents/OAD Consulting/EA2 folder and select EA2_ReferenceData.xml. Check each of the types of reference data you want to import. These include...

Tagged Values

(EA)<sup>2</sup> provides tagged values for the toolbox elements. However, to associate some of these with model elements you have created, e.g. to show the Vendor of a Server Model, you must have the tagged value definitions found under the Settings | UML menu option on the Tagged Value Types tab. (EA)<sup>2</sup> provides these definitions in the EA2_ReferenceData.xml file.

Diagram Matrix Profiles

EA2 provides a number diagram matrices that help organize your diagrams. They provide a grid background which, when resized, automatically move the model elements that are within the matrix. (EA)<sup>2</sup> provides a number of such diagram matrix profiles in the EA2_ReferenceData.xml file.

Model Images

Models images can be used to provide alternate appearances for your model elements. Sparx provides an XML file with model images on their website. A small set of those have been included in the EA2_ReferenceData.xml file.

Element Status

Enterprise Architect provides a status field in the properties dialog. The allowable values are user configurable. We use this feature to indicate the status of configuration items. Each status has a related color. The possible values and their colors are listed below in the order of a component's lifecycle.

  • Future (orange) – the element is planned to be deployed sometime in the future. This corresponds to a Deployment Date that is in the future but is not specific, i.e. has only the year ('yyyy') or only the year and month ('yyyy-mm') but no day.
  • Pending (blue) – the element is planned to be deployed in the near future with a fully described Deployment Date ('yyyy-mm-dd').
  • Current (green) – the element is deployed and there are no plans to retire it. It's Deployment Date tagged value is in the past and the Retirement Date is null.
  • To be Retired (maroon) – the element is planned to be retired but does not have a specific date yet ('yyyy' or 'yyyy-mm'), just as with the Future status above. New development must not use the element.
  • Obviated (red) – the element is scheduled for retirement with a fully specified Retirement Date. New development should not use the element and projects should be scheduled to eliminate its existing use before the Retirement Date. The Retirement date is fully specified ('yyyy-mm-dd').
  • Eliminated, aka Retired (black) – the element has been retired and is no longer in use and should not be used be any new development. The term Retired is not used due to a bug in Sparx EA which does not recognize status colors for a status of Retired. The Retirement Date is in the past. It does not have to be fully specified.

This status is used only for emphasis on diagrams. The reports use the tagged values to determine deployment status.

Importing Model Searches and Model Views

Model Searches

Enterprise Architect provides a search capability for finding things in your model. Furthermore, it provides the ability to save searches to be reused. (EA)<sup>2</sup> provides a set of searches that can be imported by opening your model and then hitting Control-F. This brings up the search dialog. Click on the Import button, navigate to the My Documents/OAD Consulting/EA2 folder, and select the EA2_ModelSearches.xml file. You may also export any model searches you create to be imported into other models.

Model Views

Enteprise Architect provides a Model Views panel to make it easy to find things in your model, some of which may be based on your saved model searches. You can open the Model Views panel by selecting View | Model Views from the Enterprise Architect main menu. To import the model views provides with (EA)<sup>2</sup>, right click on Model Views in the Model Views panel and the select Import Views from XML. Navigate to the My Documents/OAD Consulting/EA2 folder and select EA2_ModelViews.xml. You may also export any model views you create to be imported intto other models.


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