ETL Jobs transform and move data among DB Schemas. They are modeled in (EA)<sup>2</sup> as UML intefaces with the usual life-cycle dates, as shown below.
The next image, which is part of the Rate Players Statistically, v2.01 use case realization, shows the ETL Job in action. It is represented as exposed interfaces on the DB Schemas.
Note that the arrow points from the ProvidedInterface to the RequiredInterface representing the direction of the data flow. This was done by reversing the direction, not the source and target. See Exposed Interfaces for more information. You will also note that the RequiredInterface does not have a label. This is done to reduce clutter on the diagram. Since we can only connect like interfaces using the (EA)<sup>2</sup> links, we know that it is the same as the ProvidedIInterface.